Sticker Submissions

Sticker Submissions is a video series supported by artists from around the world. Please submit your details below for access to the mailing address for all artwork submissions.

Although stickers are the most common, all artwork mediums are accepted. Submitted artwork must comply with local, domestic, federal, and galactic law. Please do not submit artwork produced on materials that you do not have full liability and permission to distribute. An example of this is improper use of shipping labels. Thank you for your cooperation as it is imperative in order to keep this service alive.

If you would like a mixed assortment of stickers in return for your contributions. USA recipients can include an extra empty envelope inside of their pack. On this extra envelope please legibly address it back to you. Please also include 2-3 stamps on the top right corner. This envelope will then get filled with a mix of stickers that I receive in, and returned to you.

International submissions from outside the USA are welcome. Please refer to your local shipping policies in order to deliver the artwork to the Sticker Submission address. Return packs will are somewhat available… Include a note with any online purchase from the shop and I will sneak in some extras.

Artwork submitted will be featured in digital content, archived, and re-distributed. As part of a community based project, I am collecting stickers to be featured and published in a sticker book. The book will be distributed both free digitally and purchased physically. If you do not want your artwork reproduced in this manor please refrain from submitting at this time.

Be sure to check out each month’s Sticker Submission video for progress on the book and trades alike!

Thank you all very much for the continued support on the project, it is awesome to share new work each and every month.